Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Angels Among Us

(Disclaimer: This post is in no way intended to be sacrilegious and should be read with the knowledge that its author intends no measure of seriousness, only a little light-hearted humor)

Remember that talk by Elder Holland from October Conference about angels surrounding us? (If you're not a member of the LDS church, don't be offended, just play along--the majority of the people that read this--at least those who comment, are). Well, he talks about the people around us being angels, and let me just tell you, I just met one.

I am at work right now, on my usual Wednesday night shift (otherwise known as the longest shift of all time). Twenty minutes ago, about five hours in to the shift of death, feeling very bored of my book and otherwise quite restless, an angel arrived. I looked up from the desk to see a twelve pack of Diet Coke floating by in front of me. Ok, there was a girl carrying it but I didn't really see her. Turning to my coworker I said something like "Oh man, now I want Diet Coke". Apparently the girl heard me and she turned excitedly (anyone with that much caffeine does everything excitedly) and asked if I wanted one. I laughed a little and shrugged it off but she insisted and before I knew it there was a beautiful, shiny can of Diet Coke in my bored, restless hand. It was. . . a miracle.

In other news, on my way home from work I ran into a raccoon. Not a joke. It arched it's back and ran away. Coincidence?


Julie Wilding said...

Lanee you are so sacriligeious I cant even believe you OMG. Srsly.

chloe said...

please don't ever get over your diet coke addiction. I don't think I could handle it.

Unknown said...

Can't you get tossed from BYU for walking around with a 12 pack of DC? Then again, I suppose angels don't get kicked out of school.