Monday, May 11, 2009

Best Week Ever 5/4 - 5/9

You may or may not have had a VH1 obsession at some point in your life. You may have even watched it when it still had something to do with music, or you may be one of those who are now shamefully remembering the entire day you wasted watching a marathon of America's Next Top Model. You may be proudly relating to yourself the fact that you have never watched VH1 or maybe that you don't even know what VH1 is. For all of those may-nots, the last I checked (which might have been 11th grade), they played a show every week called Best Week Ever where comedians and other famous-for-no-reason-personalities commentated on the week's events, counting down the best things about it. Anyway, I have decided to do this on my blog (except of course, I am not a comedian, nor am I famous, nor do I intend to comment on anything significant to anyone else). This is a good idea for several reasons: first, it will give me an excuse to blog about nothing and post ridiculous pictures; second, it will help me to appreciate things (this idea must have originated in a relief society lesson somewhere); and third, I will update my bloggedy blog more frequently. So, without further adieu and unsolicited advertising:

10. I got into both of the classes that I want to take Fall semester which were previously full. This means there will be no need to endlessly harass the professors of said classes until they let me in--although I had some solid strategic planning underway. Unfortunately, I failed to realize that one of them conflicted with a class I was already registered for. . . woops. I am now considering staying in both classes and running between them everyday pretending that I have some sort of bladder problem (which some would argue is true).

9. I discovered a phenomenal antique store in Salt Lake where I bought some phenomenal jewelry and had exciting conversation with a phenomenal old woman who was buying phenomenal old barbies from a phenomenally shady looking man.

8. I chopped my hair off. Chopped it right off.

7. While chopping my hair off I finally found the perfect hair stylist. For years I have been fantasizing about having a stylist that always gave me a good cut and was somehow not ridiculously over priced and was also probably gay. Instead I always ended up at great clips or getting my hair butchered by a strange Hispanic man who kept cutting presumably because he so enjoyed chatting in Spanish resulting in the loss of much more hair than I had intended. But I have found her, and she is wonderful. But not gay (that I know of).

6. Sunshine

5. I experienced the joy that is Banana Cream Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory, courtesy of my little brother Sam.

4. Cinco de Mayo party = huge success. Viva La Mexico!

3. I finally decided on a topic for my thesis and it is officially underway! I'm writing on Derek Walcott's epic poem Omeros and will probably be in St. Lucia for a week in July doing research.

2. I got to hang out with Ms. Alysha Bruce (see photo) for the first time in a long time and it was wonderful.

1. Christian made me breakfast and dinner yesterday for "Future Mother's Day" and it was delicious. And he wore my ruffle-y apron.


Unknown said...

I LOVE YOUR HAIR! And my children and I desperately miss you, and can hardly wait until camping Memorial Day weekend to see you. I hope things go well camping with the shortys (and by shortys I mean my kids, not the Ahos). You had better be planning on visiting us in SLC a lot this summer. My kids are freakin adorable, and you can not stay away.

Bakes. said...

1. nice use of color change to emphasize words. really, i think you truly pulled it off better than ever this time.
2. i may or may not be itting on my couch watching america's next top model...this IS the best week ever.
3.i made it home least, i THINK this is my home.
4. i stole your cloak.

IngridLola said...

are you in faust theme????

Blogger said...

okay, 1. i may or may not still watch america's next top model marathons at least once a month. 2. best week ever is now hosted by just one comedian and i may or may not still watch that as well on occasion. 3. im glad you finally found your hair lady soul mate. i met mine about a year ago and im afraid that if i move out of state i will probably be committed for felony kidnapping charges.

Bill said...

So the ruffle apron really makes a difference? I've sensed there was something missing from our marriage. Thanks for the tip.