Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Home Remedies

Ok, I know that I should probably blog about marriage/graduation/wedding etc. but that will all come later. Because what I really want to blog about today are the wonders of the Internet! I've been sick the last few days (bleh) and today I woke up with horrible ear pain. Somewhere in between clutching my head and stumbling from my dose of Nyquil last night I got online desperately seeking some relief. Within a couple of minutes I had dozens of solutions at my fingertips, complete with discussions and commentary. I found it all on this great website:

It's great and I highly recommend it. In no time I was pouring warm olive oil into my ear canal and holding steaming bowls over the side of my head. Perfect if it's late at night and you can't get to the doctor, you don't want to pay a million dollars for urgent care, or if you're just into household experimentation.


Stacie Aho said...

That's awesome! Not the fact that you had horrible ear pain, but that you were able to cure it with something YOU made at HOME! How cool. I love it when that stuff works :)

FYI- Garlic is a natural antibiotic. I ate a ton of it when I was sick... like 5 cloves (on garlic bread) and I got better really quick.

Julie Wilding said...

I just laughed really hard about you pouring oil in your ear.

Bill said...

Who is "My Homer" and what are his "Emedies"?