Thursday, November 20, 2008

Welcome Weston!

For those of you who have not heard the FANTASTIC news, Weston Bruce Hatch arrived on November 3, 2008, joining Ryan, Angelica (my sister), and Layla (their first child). My mom and I drove down to Phoenix the following weekend to welcome him personally and help out a bit, and, can I just say, that he is absolutely perfect in every way. I wish I could stay in Phoenix and play with Weston, Layla, and MJ (my other nephew) every day, but alas, higher education calls.

Can you say perfection?


I taught Layla some very important "big girl" skills, like how to vogue


DT said...

bahahaha she is so cute.

Stacie Aho said...

He's such a perfect and beautiful little baby. I love the vogue picture!

See you soon!