Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Let Me Count The Ways . . .

I would like to write a post about my two favorite people in the whole wide world. There are two reasons for this: 1. They are my two favorite people in the whole wide world, and 2. It's always nice to be told how great you are, and no matter how much you deny it, we all know it's true (not that either of these two would ever deny it). Oh yes, and 3. I think everyone else should know how great they are too. Wait, wait, and 4. I miss them both terribly and think of their pretty little faces practically constantly. Let me revise; there are four reasons I am writing this.
And my two FAVORITE people are . . . (drum roll. . . . ) . . . Angelica and Julie! WHOOOO!!!!
Why I love Angelica Hatch:
  1. She bears wonderful children for me to play with and uses words like "pregnanter"
  2. When we get old, we're going to wear multi-colored, hideous thrift store clothing (including, but not limited to large hats and plaid pants) and swear and act completely inappropriately. Together.
  3. She has the best hand writing on the planet and her lines are always straight.
  4. She laughs at all the right parts in movies.
  5. She has perfect style, which happens to be almost exactly the same as mine and gives me clothes when her weight fluctuates... you know, like when she goes and gets herself knocked up again or something.
  6. She eats healthy, except when she is eating enormous amounts of junk food.
  7. She orders 15 things at a Chinese restaurant even though I am the only other one there and it will all be leftover.
  8. She likes sports AND shoes.
  9. She reads books, uses big words, and does otherwise intelligent and well-educated things.
  10. She watches bad movies with me, laughs at me when I run into trees, tolerates my blunders in cooking and art projects, and always hangs out with me.

Why I love Julie Garbutt:

  1. She understands exactly what I'm saying even when all that comes out is a grunt or hand gesture.
  2. She has super wicked (you know, in the way that English people use it) style and can pull off anything. Thus, her name is often found in sentences such as "that's cute, it's something JULIE could pull off, I don't really think I could".
  3. She tolerates me remarkably well and understands emotional handicaps.
  4. She pretends to monitor my junk-food intake but actually just lets me eat tons of it because she knows I want to and acts surprised later when I tell her I feel sick.
  5. She might be the same person as me.
  6. She likes nude art and other such scandalous atrocities.
  7. She acts exactly the same around everyone.
  8. She sings show tunes and thinks musicals are the greatest thing ever invented even though the rest of us know they aren't.
  9. She jumps around like a wild banshee to express emotion. In public.
  10. She walks around barefoot and burps and gets her hands sticky and eats food off the floor and sticks her finger in her nose. And I still like her.


Unknown said...

thanks, love, that made my day! can't wait to see you in a few days!!!!!!!!

Julie Wilding said...

well, at least my hair looks shiny. that's the only redeeming quality about That Picture.
I lovest thou.
I'm picking my nose and barefoot and eating something off the ground right now.