[Yes, I just quoted James Blount in my blog title, I am not proud of this but it was all too appropriate—anyone remember that episode of the office?? Hahaha] So it’s official, freshman year is over. I packed up my mom’s Durango today, filled it to the brim actually, just short of having my clothes hang out the window. I almost didn’t make it in myself. (Incidentally in case you were wondering, no, I don’t have any idea how I acquired so much crap). It ended, as T.S. Eliot famously said: “not with a bang, but with a whimper” [Hollow Men]. Seriously, it was really quite anticlimactic; I don’t think I was ever actually expecting it to end and then suddenly I was leaving. I’m sorry if I didn’t say goodbye to you by the way, I hate goodbyes, they make me feel awkward and uncomfortable. But now I am gone and can’t believe I’ve left that hole of a home forever.
Yes, the dorms were below-average living conditions, but we slummed it together and I will always have a place in my heart for Helaman Halls. I must admit I was rather stunned when I realized how sad I was to be leaving—being infamously unemotional I wasn’t expecting any separation anxiety with the move. But alas, I am all weepy on the inside (not on the outside of course, that would be just ludicrous, really). It really has been an amazing year; ridiculously fun looking back on it, and a lot of personal as well as academic growth went on too. SOB. So I guess as a sort of eulogy to my freshman year I will list what I will miss most:
1. DINING PLUS—does anyone disagree? Yep, I didn’t think so.
2. Freak dance parties—really only possible in an all-girls dorm. Breaking it down with my ladies in the hallway was priceless, and Deb, those little one-on-one dance parties in our room have a special place in my soul.
3. The really friendly old lady custodian who always took Deborah’s shoes and who once talked to me while I was peeing and made me feel extremely awkward.
4. Shower conversations. It’s not very often that you encounter situations where you can talk to people while taking a shower—without it being extremely uncomfortable that is.
5. Walking three feet out my door every time I was bored or sick of homework to park myself on someone else’s bed and express my discontent (this was usually Chloe, you’re the best).
6. Really obnoxious people singing Disney songs outside my window at 3 in the morning…wait, wait, no I won’t miss that.
7. Stupid pranks—I know I complained, but really, some of those were dang funny.
8. Naked and semi-naked people in the hallway. It really just added a level of comfort hard to find anywhere else.
9. Awkward couples in the lobby—come on, they were entertaining. What are we even going to talk about now?
10. Living with Julie Ann Garbutt. Deborah Tan. Jane Nelson. Emma Richey. Kelli Child. Chloe Skidmore. Estee Ward. Sierra Robinson. Emily Harris. Ingrid Nilsson. Kara Christensen. Maddie West. Sara Hansen. Caitlin Markham. Kyra Malcarne.